The software system audit is performed in order to assess the database systems and recommend steps to increase its market efficiency. The comprehensive system audit can be used as an important method for information system assessment and data misuse prevention. Auditing is an assessment process carried out by individuals who are not directly engaged in carrying out the task under review. It helps to deter and track Organizational Capital Harassment. Information system auditing is conducted by experts who are not only familiar with the dynamic challenges of the information system but who know how to apply them to the enterprise. Technology permits exponential development and progression in the global industry. It is also a significant cause of threats to businesses.

Boards and senior management accept the value of technology but may fail to fully grasp and handle it. Corporate executives and IT experts also don’t speak the same tongue. This disparity in coordination will result in misunderstandings and misaligned perceptions and performance. In today’s extremely networked market climate, everyone understands the information security criteria. Knowledge is arguably among the most important commodities in an organization, so its protection from threats, both internally and externally, has taken center stage as an IT must. Information System Audit includes a comprehensive review and assessment of automated information processing systems, related non-automated processes, and their interface.
The information system audit process includes 4 steps:
- Measuring Information System Vulnerabilities: The first step in the information system audit process is the detection of each application’s vulnerability. Where there is a high risk of computer misuse, there is a stronger need for an evaluation of the application’s information system. The likelihood of computer misuse would depend on the nature of the application and the quality of the checks.
- Identification of Hazard Sources: Most of the computer threats come from people. The auditor of the information system should identify the persons who may pose a threat to the information systems. These individuals include system analysts, programmers, data entry operators, data providers, users, hardware vendors, software and services specialists, computer security specialists, PC users, etc.
- High-Risk Identification points: The next step in the information system audit process is to identify the occasions, points, or events that may occur when the information system is penetrated. These points can be when adding, altering, or deleting a transaction. The high-risk point may also be the occasion when a data or program file is altered or the operation is defective.
- Software Misuse Check: The final step in the process is to perform the analysis of high-risk points preserving the perspective of the individuals who may misuse the information system with, particularly sensitive applications.
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