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Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Registration Process for Fame Subsidies

It is obvious that pollution is causing irreparable harm to the environment. One main factor adding to pollution is transportation, as this is absolutely dependent on Non-Renewable energy sources. India has realized this problem and has introduced effective plans to increase the usage of Electric Vehicles (EV). The plan is to encourage the manufacturing and use of Electric Vehicles, Establish the required Infrastructure and educate the citizens. All this is to be achieved by the FAME i.e. Faster Adoption And Manufacturing Of Electric And Hybrid Vehicles scheme in India.

FAME is an incentive scheme for adoption & manufacturing of electric and hybrid vehicles in India. Electric vehicle manufacturers & infrastructure providers receive subsidies as part of this incentive. The Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises announced the Fame India scheme as part of the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan.

The FAME Scheme is to be implemented in 2 phases:-

  1. Phase-1 started in 2015 and was functional till 31st March 2019. 
  2. Phase-2 started in April 2019 and was supposed to continue till 31st March 2022.

But recently the Government has extended this program till 31st march 2024 

Now that we know EVs are the future of transportation and the government is already taking necessary steps to encourage it. The Indian automotive industry is growing briskly and domestic original equipment manufacturers (OEM) are shining like stars globally with cutting edge technology and combative growth plan. All this has been made possible because of the many subsides available to the OEMs through FAME scheme. Under FAME-II the OEMs can claim demand Incentive.

 These are the Categories of vehicles that can claim demand incentives are:-

  1. Buses (Only Electric Buses) (e-Bus);
  2. Four Wheelers (Electric, Plug in Hybrid and Strong Hybrid (e-4W);
  3. Three Wheelers (Electric)- e-3 including Registered E-Rickshaws/e-Carts;
  4. Two wheelers (Electric) – e-2W.

What are the Procedure to register OEMs for demand incentive?

Under this FAME scheme, an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) is defined as a sole proprietor, a private/public company, or a partnership firm that manufactures any of the vehicles covered by the FAME-India scheme- Phase II and has achieved a certain percentage of localisation declared separately.

For benefits under this scheme each original equipment manufacturers will apply for registration to department of heavy industry (national automotive board) in prescribe manner mentioned in Annexure-A.

What kind of Documents required at the time of Registration:

  • Application for manufacture registration according to the Annexure-A
  • Company registration Certificate.
  • Trade License
  • GST Registration Certificate
  • PAN Card.
  • Testing/Homologation Certificate complying with FAME-If eligibility criteria issued by designated testing agency under CMVR, 1989- rule 126 including quality certificate, technical parameters or any other parameter issued under FAME-India Guidelines VII.
  • Pre-registration of xEV model according to the Annexure-B.
  • Complete set of MOA.
  • Complete set Rules of OEM.
  • List of at least twenty five vehicle dealers & service centres along with their searchable addresses / locations and contact number to be situated at least in two states.
  • Photographs of the type approved Vehicle.

OEM (original equipment manufacturers) is required to submit the hard copy of the application and all the required documents.