Project Office
A Project Office is an Agency of Project Management. It’s a feature within an enterprise that lays out project management criteria. The primary aim of a Project Management Office ( PMO) is to ensure that initiatives and services are managed in a consistent and repeatable manner. And not only this but it can do much more.
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Requirements of Project Office Registration in India
Formal Contact of the Project
The foreign entity must have secured a Project in India, and a formal and legally binding agreement is executed for the same financial statement.
Clearance of Project
That the project has been cleared from appropriate and recognised authority or ministry and if applicable from the environment ministry.
Foreign Funding
The project must be funded out of the Inward remittances from abroad, or an International Financing Agency must fund the project.
Indian Funding
In the absence of foreign funding, the Indian Entity awarding the contract shall avail the term loan from a Public Financial Institution or a bank in India
Following Documents are required to submit for approval
- FNC Form duly signed by AR
- Proof of Registered Office
- Note on Location / Proposed Activity
- NOC from the owner of the premises.
- Certificate of Incorporation & MOA
- Audited Financial of past 5 Years
- Board resolution to Open a Branch Office
- KYC of the Authorized Signatory
Attestation or Legalisation of Documents
All documents which are required to be filed with RBI of the foreign company like their certificate of incorporation, board resolutions, the moa and articles of the foreign company and the documents of the authorised signatory of the foreign company need to be legalised either through Indian Embassy or to be apostilled as per Hague convention.
Filing of Application with RBI through AD Bank
The application for registration of a Project office of a foreign company is filed in Form – FNC to the reserve bank of India through AD Bank (Authorised Dealer). The AD Bank plays a crucial role as all the communication to the RBI has to be routed through them. We have an excellent relationship with many banks in India, which certainly help in applying to the RBI and Followup
Verification of KYC from Banker of Parent Company
After the FNC Form is filed with the AD Bank, a request for verification of documents is sent to the banker of the foreign company. This process is also known as swift based verification. After receipt of confirmation of the documents from the foreign banker, the application is submitted to the RBI for their approval. The RBI may seek clarification or any additional document which needs to be submitted.
Approval of RBI for Project Office Registration in India
After company incorporation, the Bank A/c has to be opened, wherein the foreign direct investment must reach within 180 days of incorporation of the company with advance intimation to Banker. Post investment the company is under strict liability to file adequate reporting with the RBI reporting of FDI received within 30 Days.
Registration of Project office of Foreign Company with the ROC
Within 30 days of the permission of the RBI the foreign company should apply to the ROC for registration of the foreign company. In case the foreign company have Indian directors then a DIN number of such director is needed, and the digital signature of the authorised signatory is required to e-file statutory forms with the ROC for their approval.
PAN Card, Tax Deduction Number & Bank A/c Opening
Income Tax Department allots a unique 10 Digit alphanumeric number as a permanent account number, also known as PAN Number. To comply with TDS provisions, every taxpayer needs to obtain a Tax Deduction Account Number. These identification numbers are essential to do compliance with the tax rules. The bank account of the branch office can be opened after allotment of Pan Number by the Income Tax Department.
Other Registration and Licenses
After the Project office is operational, there are various other compliance related activities, which depends on the nature of the business and the state-specific laws, which apply to all entities doing commercial activities. For example registration under shops and establishment act, Goods and Services Tax (GST), Professional Tax Act, Provident Funds Act, Employee State Insurance Act (ESIC), etc
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Our foremost priority is to provide Instant Support and are always very particular on adherence of timely delivery so that you don’t miss out on deadline. We have worked with some most time strict clients and we have never missed our target. Our one thumb rule says that “If we miss a deadline we are out”. Accounts and Finance function need always alert eagle eye approach!
Our prices are most reasonable and under budget that you never realize any cost burden in your organization in comparison of value addition we bring in. We believe in adoption of your business first and fee shall take care of itself mantra. We never bill for disappointment and take ownership. It is how we like to be treated and that is how our customers are served.
We at AVS & Associates only recruit experienced, skilled professionals who have proven expertise in their field. With a diverse Team of Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Lawyers, and various other consultants on board, we offer end to end financial and legal service under one roof saving time and energy and bring synergy effect between various functions.
Having over 20+ years experience in the leadership team ensure we maintain highest ethical standards and never go out of trust with you. We always believe in long term relationship with our clients hence integrity is something we value the most. We ensure transparency in communication, service and cost. Our specialized experts helps in maintaining high quality.
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