It has to be structured, coordinated, and has to have proper laws and regulations in order for an organization to operate smoothly. These rules apply to all levels, including the way the company deals with its workers. That is called regulatory enforcement. In human resources, regulatory enforcement has to do with the legislative system under which businesses have to act with the care of their workers. Statutory compliance means the fulfillment of an individual, company, or firm’s obligations as prescribed by law (enactments, rules, regulations, notifications such as the Shops & Establishment Act, CST / GST, Contract Labor(A&R) Act, Employees Provident Fund, ESI, etc.).

Whether it is in the form of providing prescribed information in the form of periodic returns, obtaining registrations, following statutes in daily activities as a citizen, or as a corporate body.
Frequently Asked Questions​
Statutory Compliances for ESI Fund and PF Deduction
The ESI scheme applies to all factories and other establishments, as defined in the 1948 Employees ‘ State Insurance Act, with 10 or more persons employed in those establishments. Moreover, persons employed for wages up to Rs. 21,000 a month are covered only under the ESI scheme. The Employees Provident Fund ( EPF) is also a contributory fund, similar to ESI, in which both the employer and the employee contribute a certain sum. EPF is a mandatory and contributory fund for Indian organizations under “The Provident Fund for Employees and the 1952 Miscellaneous Provisions Act” The employer’s contribution represents 12 percent of basic salaries, plus dearness and allowances for retention. For establishments with fewer than 20 employees, the contribution rate for the employer is limited to 10 percent according to the EPFO rules.
Professional Taxes
Since the State government levies a professional tax, the amount varies in different states. Every state has its own professional tax laws. All states, however, follow the wage or wage-based slab system while levying a professional tax.
Penalties follow in the event of a violation of professional tax regulations. Although the actual penalty amount or penal interest is dependent on the laws of the respective state, the penalty is imposed by all states for failing to register once professional tax law comes into force. There are also penalties for on-time payments, as well as for failure to file the return by the specified due date.
Gratuity is a type of payment provided in the company by an employer to an individual for services rendered. However, gratuity is available only to workers who have spent five years or more with the company.
The employer shall plan for the gratuity payment to be charged to the employee within thirty days of the day it is payable. In the event that the employer fails to pay the balance within the stated duration, the employer may have to bear basic interest thereon from the date when the gratuity becomes payable at the rate not above that the government stipulates.
TDS Deduction
Any employer paying salaries to workers shall be allowed to subtract TDS under Section 192 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 if the wage reaches the permissible tax-exempt sum. Employers must ensure that they produce Form 24Q and Form 16 in a timely manner. The contractor is allowed to subtract TDS before issuing a salary to an employee. By the 7th of the next month, the balance withdrawn in the form of TDS must be deposited with the State. That refers to all months except March, for which the last date is April 30th. In the event that TDS has not been paid by the due date, the following provisions would apply-the late filing charge (if not filed by the due date), the interest (if not filed on time), and the penalty (if not filed within one year from the due date).
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